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East Arkansas Planning & Development District is dedicated to ensuring there continues to be a source of funding for start-up and growth of small businesses throughout Northeast Arkansas.  With the severity of the COVID -19 Pandemic impacting an already economically deprived region, we here at EAPDD are dedicated to providing assistance to existing small businesses and cultivating a supportive culture for new startup businesses. The development of businesses owned by minorities and women is at the forefront of our initiative.


The Financial Services Division of the East Arkansas Planning & Development District is the home of the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) funded Revolving Loan Fund (RLF). The RLF exists for the purpose of lending to business entities who are unable to obtain financing through traditional means at competitive interest rates and flexible terms, in turn, creating or retaining jobs across our region.



Loan Purpose
Land acquisition and cost associated with the purchase and preparation of the land
Building costs and related costs associated with the acquisition
Machinery/equipment costs and related costs associated with the acquisition
Working and start-up capital
Purchase of existing business or equity in a business
Refinancing of loans by other lenders if there is justification

Non-Allowable Uses of Funds
Projects that could cause unemployment resulting from the relocation of a business
Projects which include facilities for the generation, transmission, or distribution of electrical energy
Projects located outside of the 12 Counties we serve
Projects that do not have a reasonable assurance of repayment, in the opinion of EAPDD, of the proposed loan
Partially completed construction is ineligible

Loan Amounts
Loans will not ordinarily be made in amounts less than $10,000 and no more than $500,000 to any one business or organization.


Standard Interest Rates
The standard interest rate to be charged will range between 2% to 6% above the Prime Rate. The interest rate for each loan will vary depending on job/cost ratio, collateral, credit and the fulfilling of the area's goals.


Repayment Term
Generally, funds used for inventory or small pieces of equipment will have terms ranging from two to seven years. For real estate, the loan may require a fifteen-year term. Terms of the loan will be considered on a case-by-case basis

If you are interested in applying for funding through our Revolving Loan Fund Program, please contact our Director of Financial Services, Jarrett Free, at Additionally, you will be required to complete two forms as you seek funding through this program. These two forms can be found below:

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